A path to wellness for Louisiana’s youth
Services: Business Naming, Visual Identity, and Print Materials
Trajectory provides meaningful psychiatric care for children, adolescents, and young adults across Louisiana. Created by psychiatrist Michael Henke, Trajectory works directly with its patients in order to deliver more focused, thorough, and accessible care. Southpaw was brought in to create a unique name and compelling identity that would have broad appeal across multiple age ranges.
Developing a Name
Our naming exploration focused on concepts of resilience and progress. The chosen name describes the many unique pathways to wellness available through therapy.

Creating a Logo
Though we explored many concepts, the most resonant explorations for the logo centered on using similar but different pathways to create a memorable icon.

Logo Suite

Building the Identity
The identity combines the icon and a palette of serene blues to create a series of patterns that represent both pathways and the calming presence of water.